Roobarb & Custard ( TV Series 1974 )
Roobarb is a British animated television programme for children, originally shown on BBC1 just before the evening news. Each cartoon, written by Grange Calveley and animated by Bob Godfrey, was about five minutes long. Thirty episodes were made, and the show was first shown on October 21, 1974. The theme is that of the loving rivalry between Roobarb the green dog (yellow in the first season) and Custard the pink cat from next door.
Roobarb is a green dog, and Custard is a pink cat. Roobarb is always involved in some kind of misadventure which he approaches with unbounded enthusiasm. Custard is cynical and sets out to sabotage Roobarb's fun. Which one comes out on top varies from episode to episode. Other characters in the series are the birds, who watch the antics of the other two from the safety of a nearby tree, often making snide remarks, and siding with whoever is winning. There is also a rather timid, pink mouse.
The series is animated in a deliberately rough style, using marker pens and a very sketchy drawing technique, so that the pictures are constantly moving. This effect, known to animators as "boiling", gives an energetic character to the show, and was a contrast to the slick, smooth colouring of the imported Hanna-Barbera shows that were being widely shown on British television. The series was voiced by actor Richard Briers and the famous theme tune was written by Johnny Hawksworth. It was the first fully animated television series to be made in the UK.
The series was an enormous success, greatly loved by children and adults alike, and winning numerous awards.[citation needed] It is now viewed as "must watch" cult TV. Contrary to popular belief, the show was not called Roobarb and Custard.
Episode Guide
1."When Roobarb Made a Spike"
2."When Roobarb Didn't See the Sun Come Up"
3."When Roobarb Was Being Bored Then Not Being Bored"
4."When the Tree Fell to Pieces"
5."When Roobarb Found Sauce"- Roobarb sets out to find the source of the pond.
6."When It Was Night"- Roobarb dreams that he and Custard are cowboys fighting a band of nasty crows.
7."When It Was Christmas"
8."When The Sun Was Just Right"
9."When The Opera Wasn't A Phantom"
10."When There Wasn't Treasure"- Roobarb dresses as a pirate and searches for treasure.
11."When It Wasn't Thorsday"- Roobarb angers the Viking Gods.
12."When Roobarb Was Cheating"
13."When Custard Was Sorry"
14."When Roobarb Mixed the Paint"
15."When Roobarb's Heart Ruled His Head"
16."When You're Going To Fly-Fly High"
17."When The Day Didn't Arrive"
18."When Roobarb Did The Lion's Share"
19."When Roobarb Was at the End of His Tether (and so was Custard)"
20."When Custard Stole the Show"
21."When There Was A Dance At Foxes Dale"
22."When Roobarb Wasn't As Pleased As Punch"
23."When Roobarb Turned Over A New Leaf"
24."When There Was Someone Else"
25."When The Day Wouldn't Keep Still" - Roobarb gets hiccups and thinks it's an earthquake.
26."When Roobarb Got A Long Break"
27."When The Pipes Call The Tune"
28."When A Knight Lost His Day"
29."When Custard Got Too Near The Bone"
30."When There Was A Big Mix Up"

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