Paddington Bear (TV Series 1976 - 1987)
He comes from Darkest Peru, where he lived with his Aunt Lucy. At an early age he was orphaned after an earthquake. When Aunt Lucy had to go into a Home for Retired Bears (in Lima), he decided to emigrate to England. He stowed away on a ship, where he lived in the lifeboat (eating Marmalade). When he reached England, he found himself at a Railway Station where he was discovered by Mr & Mrs Brown. He was named after the station that he was found in - 'Paddington', which is a station in London. He is very good at giving 'Hard Stares' to people who are grumpy to Paddington or are just plain rude. It normally does the trick as they go red and normally back down and apologise. He doesn't like baths, as he nearly drowned in one once, and I don't think wearing his hat and coat at the same time helped. He much prefers dry baths. He is an innocent bear and takes most things literally and most things never turn out as he hopes. One time he went shopping in Barkridges and went to try on a pair of pyjamas, but he made a wrong turn and ended up in the shop window. He thought the changing room were quite posh, it even had a bed in it. So once in his pyjamas, he hopped into the bed, had a snack and fell straight to sleep. When he woke up he then realised he was in the shop window. The Manager was happy, as he had sold all their pyjamas (which hadn't been selling well) and said he could have anything he wanted in the store for free. Paddington thought carefully and eventually chose some Wellington Boots.In his haste to be helpful, he can have the opposite effect and become a hindrance. One tip is, never ask him to do any DIY for you, as you WILL regret it.
Episode Guide
Series 1 (1975)
1. Please Look After This Bear
2. A Bear in Hot Water
3. Paddington Goes Underground
4. A Shopping Expedition
5. Paddington and the 'Old Master'
6. A Spot of Decorating
7. A Family Group
8. Paddington Makes a Bid
9. Do-it-Yourself
10. A Disappearing Trick
11. Something Nasty in the Kitchen
12. Trouble at the Launderette
13. Too Much Off the Top
14. A Visit to the Dentist
15. Paddington Cleans Up
16. Trouble at Number Thirty Two
17. Paddington and the Christmas Shopping
18. Christmas
19. Mr. Curry Takes a Bath
20. Paddington Turns Detective
21. Paddington and the Cold Snap
22. Trouble at the Waxwork
23. Paddington Makes a Clean Sweep
24. A Sticky Time
25. Paddington Hits the Jackpot
26. Paddington Hits Out
27. A Visit to the Hospital
28. Paddington Recommended
29. Fortune Telling
30. An Unexpected Party
Series 2 (1979)
1. Paddington in Court
2. Paddington Bakes a Cake
3. A Picnic on the River
4. Paddington's Patch
5. In and Out of Trouble
6. Paddington at the Tower
7. A Visit to the Bank
8. Paddington Clears the Coach
9. Picture Trouble
10. Trouble at the Beach
11. Keeping Fit
12. Paddington in the Hot Seat
13. Paddington and the Mystery Box
14. Paddington's Puzzle
15. Paddington Weights in
16. Paddington Takes a Snif
17. A Visit to the Theatre
18. Paddington Buys a share
19. Paddington in a Hole
20. Paddington and the Finishing Touch
21. Trouble in the Bargain Basement
22. An Outing in the Park
23. Paddington Dines Out
24. Paddington Takes the Stage
25. Paddington in Touch
26. Comings and Goings at Number Thirty-Two
Specials (1984)
1. Paddington's Birthday Bonanza
2. Paddington goes to School
3. Paddington goes to the Movies
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Paddington Dines Out
Season 4, Episode 2: Paddington Buys a Share
Season 4, Episode 3: Trouble in the Bargain Basement
Season 4, Episode 4: Paddington in Touch
Season 4, Episode 5: Comings and Goings at No 32
He comes from Darkest Peru, where he lived with his Aunt Lucy. At an early age he was orphaned after an earthquake. When Aunt Lucy had to go into a Home for Retired Bears (in Lima), he decided to emigrate to England. He stowed away on a ship, where he lived in the lifeboat (eating Marmalade). When he reached England, he found himself at a Railway Station where he was discovered by Mr & Mrs Brown. He was named after the station that he was found in - 'Paddington', which is a station in London. He is very good at giving 'Hard Stares' to people who are grumpy to Paddington or are just plain rude. It normally does the trick as they go red and normally back down and apologise.He doesn't like baths, as he nearly drowned in one once, and I don't think wearing his hat and coat at the same time helped. He much prefers dry baths. He is an innocent bear and takes most things literally and most things never turn out as he hopes. One time he went shopping in Barkridges and went to try on a pair of pyjamas, but he made a wrong turn and ended up in the shop window. He thought the changing room were quite posh, it even had a bed in it. So once in his pyjamas, he hopped into the bed, had a snack and fell straight to sleep. When he woke up he then realised he was in the shop window. The Manager was happy, as he had sold all their pyjamas (which hadn't been selling well) and said he could have anything he wanted in the store for free. Paddington thought carefully and eventually chose some Wellington Boots.In his haste to be helpful, he can have the opposite effect and become a hindrance. One tip is, never ask him to do any DIY for you, as you WILL regret it.He keeps his favourite snacks under his hat - Marmalade Sandwiches
Henry Brown
He lives at 32 Windsor Gardens, London, with his wife and two children. He was unsure whether Paddington should come to live with them and I think he's still unsure.He is always hesitant when he's around Paddington, because he's wondering what trouble he will get into next. Also he's a bit grumpy. He likes reading the paper called 'Westminster Snores'. He wanted to decorate the attic to have his own room to get away from everyone, but as usual he only half finished it. He wish he had finished it, as Paddington decided to finish the job, but made a mess of it and papered himself in the room and couldn't find the door. To tidy up the mess, they had to get a real decorator in, which suited Mr Brown.He gives Paddington a weekly allowance, like the rest of his children.
Mary Brown
She is married to Henry Brown and it very kind hearted. It was her suggestion that Paddington came to live with them.Now I'm not sure who chose this arrangement, but Mary and Henry Brown sleep in two single beds in the same room. Strange eh?
Mrs Bird
She is the Brown's housekeeper and knows everything about everything. She even knew that bears from Darkest Peru like Marmalade!! Judy Brown She is the Daughter of Mr & Mrs Brown and she loves Paddington dearly.
Johnathan Brown
He is the Son of Mr & Mrs Brown and is always waiting to find out what silly thing Paddington will get up to next.
Mr Gruber
He is one of Paddington's friends, who owned an Antiques Shop on the Portobello Road. They also like to share their elevenses together. He doesn't call him Paddington and instead calls him Mr Brown. When they went to an Antiques Auction, he found out that it can be quite expensive for him if Paddington comes along, as he accidentally bids for things and poor Mr Gruber has to pay for them.
Mr Curry
He is the grumpy next door neighbour of the Browns. He likes nothing better to look over the back fence into the Brown's garden and observe what Paddington is doing. But he never calls him Paddington and instead say "Bear, what are you doing?", now that's not very pleasant! He did the silly thing of letting Paddington use his table to lean on when making a magazine rack, and Paddington accidentally sawed it in two. But Mr Curry doesn't learn from this and still keeps on giving Paddington things to do, and once he's done them Mr Curry gets frightfully upset at the outcome.

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