The Snorks ( TV Series 1984 - 1988 )
The Snorks are a race of small, colorful beings that live happily in the underwater world of Snorkland. They have snorkels on their heads, which are used to propel them swiftly through the water. As evidenced by the cartoon series, when a Snork becomes excited their tube makes a "snork" sound. Like the Flintstones or the Smurfs, they have much of the same technology as contemporary humans, adapted to their own aquatic environment. The Snorks use pearls as currency, because clams were already being used by The Flintstones.
According to the Snork back-story, which was described in the show's first opening theme, a few ventured to the surface (which the Snorks believe is "outer space") in 1643, and watched a Royal Navy ship being attacked by pirates. The captain wound up in the water, and that was the first contact between the species when the Snorks saved his life, to which the captain then expressed his gratitude by writing a book about the Snorks, although very few humans believe in the existence of the Snorks. Since then, Snorks have adopted several human habits, such as wearing clothes.
There are a few episodes which have human encounters with the Snorks.
Main Characters
AllStar Seaworthy (voiced by Michael Bell) - An athletic, yellow-skinned, male Snork. More or less the hero of the series. As well as being athletic and heroic, he's interested in Science and also an inventor. He helps his uncle, Dr. Gallio, with his projects whenever he can. Whenever he has an important idea or comes to an important conclusion the star on his belt buckle starts to spinhis "startbright idea". He's believed to be Casey's love interest and boyfriend. His parents have a baby girl named Smallstar, who is AllStar's infant sister. He used to be best friends with Junior.
Casey Kelp (voiced by B.J. Ward) - A light and adorable pink-skinned, female Snork with reddish hair and generally believed to be AllStar's love interest and girlfriend. She's intelligent, brave and strongwilled. She dislikes bullies or being bullied and will stand up for herself as well as others. She is best friends with Daffney Gillfin.
Wellington Jr. Wetworth aka: "Junior" (voiced by Barry Gordon) - One of the primary protagonists of the series. An orange-skinned, male Snork with bluish hair who's a nice and spoiled snob, and also more or less generous in some episodes, that takes after his parents, especially his father, the Governor of Snorkland. Before Bigweed became the villain in season 3, Junior was seen as minor villain-like, due to his rude attitude towards other Snorks, especially AllStar & his friends. His ambitions are to become the Governor, like his father, to become rich, and to outperform AllStar, whom he frequently referred to as "AllWet", in everything. Usually learns his lesson at the end of the episode. Takes after Grandpa Wetworth. Junior used to be best friends with AllStar (when he was younger and starting off in school) until standing up for himself went to his head. In the third season, he appeared to be Daffney's love interest. During the seasons 1 and 2, he appeared to have a crush on Casey.
Daffney Gillfin (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) - A vain, coral colored, female Snork with purple/brown hair, depending on who you ask, who was always concerned with her looks and appears to be Dimmy's love interest. She has ambitions of becoming an actress. In one of the episodes, she understudies for a famous female, Broadway Theatre actress (from New Snork City) and becomes the star of the show. She is known for having a big heart and for being extremely tactful, especially when it comes to breaking bad news to others. She is best friends with Casey Kelp. In the third season, she appeared to be Junior's love interest.
Tooter Shellby (vocal effects provided by Frank Welker) - A green-skinned, male Snork with dark green hair who was affected by aphasia and could only "communicate" through "tooting". He has the ability to communicate with some of the sealife.
Dimmy Finster aka Dimitris Finster (voiced by Brian Cummings) - An athletic, orange-skinned, male Snork who seemed to have a crush on Daffney. He fancies himself to be a comedian as well as a fighter. He also appears to have an insatiable appetite. Whenever Dimmy talks it sounds like he has a cold. He hates being called by his full name. From the beginning of the season 3, he is written out of the storylines for unknown reasons, but he did make some cameo appearances.
Minor Characters
Occy (voiced by Frank Welker) - Allstar's male, red, pet octopus. He was once owned by Junior until he abandoned him. Occy does not get along with Junior whatsoever and will go out of his way to embarrass and/or chase Junior. Conversly, Occy is very loyal to AllStar.
Corky (voiced by Rob Paulsen) - An orange-skinned, male Snork. He's the Snork Patrol Officer and a workaholic, but a dedicated policeman and defender of Snorkland. He is liked by all Snorks and gets along with AllStar and his friends.
JoJo (voiced by Roget Dewitt in Season 1-2, Jim Cummings Season 3) - A male, tan-skinned, two-snorked Snork who was raised and lives in the wild, he's the Snork equivalent of Tarzan. He's incredibly strong and can communicate with all the sealife. However he is lacking in grammar skills.
Fengy - A dogfish which is JoJo's companion since he was a child.
Willie Wetworth (voiced by Fredricka Weber) - An orange-skinned child, male Snork. Even though Junior picks on him, Willie looks up to his big brother, Junior. He is the opposite of Juniornice, friendly, generous, and well liked by all. He is friends with SmallStar. Takes after Grandpa Wetworth. He often repeats what Junior says.
Governor Wellington Wetworth (voiced by Frank Nelson in Season 1 and 2, Barry Gordon in Season 3) - An orange-skinned, male Snork with lavender colored hair. He is the governor of Snorktown. Governor Wentworth is a stereotypical politician that resorts to double talk, tries to abuse his power, blames others when things go wrong, sends others to do the work while he tries to take the credit, cowardly, thinks of himself first, and a social climber who thinks that he and his family are better than others. He's also an egomaniac who raises taxes in order to build monuments to himself; all of which causes him to be disliked by the majority of Snorks. He's Junior and Willie's father. He wants Junior to succeed (and be governor) to the extent that he turns a blind eye to Junior's underhanded tricks until they cause trouble and/or are exposed. He doesn't like Dr Gallio, AllStar and his friends because they're in the spotlight more than his son. He secretly has an older brother, Captain Long John, who is a kindly, old pirate and is friends with AllStar and Casey. However, Governor Wetworth does have some sense of charity through giving a monetary donation to a school toy drive for underprivileged Snorks, and forcing Junior to give up some of his toys to donate to the drive as well.
Dr. Gallio Seaworthy (voiced by Clive Revill) - A purple-skinned, male Snork with white hair. He is involved in all things scientific, medical and technical. He has saved Snorktown numerous times from villains and natural disasters. He is AllStar's and SmallStar's uncle and a friend to AllStar's gang. He is a brother to AllStar's father as in the episode "A Hard Day's Snork" he reveals his last name is Seaworthy when he meets with his old classmate Rip Van Snorkel in the belly of "Predatory Piperfish". He is also the brother of Dr. Strangesnork.
SmallStar Seaworthy (voiced by Gail Matthius) - A yellow-skinned, infant, female Snork. She is AllStar's baby sister and friends with Willie. She was introduced in later seasons when AllStar's mother was pregnant.
Episode Guide
Season 1 (1984)
1.Journey To the Source / Hooked on a Feeling
2.Vandal Scandal/ The Ugliest Yuckfish
3.The Littlest Mermaid / Which Snork Snitched
4.Allstar's All-Star Band /A Sign of The Tides
5.Now You Seahorse, Now You Don't/Snorkymania
6.Snork Dance / Snork Marks the Spot
7.Junior's Secret /The Blue Coral Necklace.
8.Casey and The Doubleheader/ Das Boot
9.Snorkin Surf Party / The Snorkness Monster
10.A Snork on the Wild Side / Allstar's Double Trouble
11.Fine Fettered Friends / Time Out for Sissies
12.Me Jo-Jo, You Daffney / The Old Shell Game
13.The King of Kelp/ Whale Tales
Season 2 (1985 - 1986)
1.Up, Up, and a Wave/ Gills Just Wanna Have Fun.
2.Snorkitis is Nothing to Sneeze At / The Whole Toot and Nothing But the Toot
3.Chickens of the Sea / Never Cry Wolf-fish
4.A Hard Day's Snork / Learn to Love Your Snork
5.Allstar's Freshwater Adventure / Dr. Strangesnork
6.It's Just a Matter of Slime / Water Friends For?
7.Junior's Octopuppy / The Shape of Snorks To Come
8.A Snorking We Did Go/ Guess What's Coming To Dinner?
9.The Big Scoop/ The New Neighbors
10.I Squid You Not / The Backwards Snork
Season 3 (1987)
1.All's Whale that Ends Whale / Allstar's Last Hour
2.A Willie Scary Shalloween / Sea Shore Sideshow
3.Freeze Save our Town / Snip and Snap
4.Junior's Empire / The Golden Dolphin
5.It's Always Darkest Before the Snork / The Sand Witch
6.Tooter Loves Tadah / The Shady Shadow
7.Daffney's Ransom / Salmon Chanted Evening
8.Casey in Sandland / Reefberry Madness
9.A Farewell of Arms / Mummy Snorkest
10.Jo-Jo in Control / The Day the Ocean Stood Still
11.Chills, Drills and Spills / The Longest Shortcut
12.Willie & Smallstar's Big Adventure / Taming of the Snork
13.A Snork in a Gilded Cage / The Snorkshire Spooking
Season 4 (1988)
1.Daffney's Not so Great Escape / Willie's Best Fiend
2.Dr. Strangesnork's Bomb / Day of the Juniors
3.Ooze Got the Snorks / A Starfish is Born
4.The Silly Snorkasaurus / Who's Who?
5.Battle of the Gadgets / Little Lord Occy
6.Junior's Fuelish Kelp Rush / The Boo Lagoon
7.How the Snork was Won / In Junior's Image
9.Summer and Snork
10.Allstar's Odyssey
11.In Greed we Trust
12.Jaws Says the Word
14.Rhyme and Punishment
15.The Wizard of Ice
16.Big City Snorks
17.Nightmare on Snorkstreet
18.Robin Snork
20.Snork Ahoy
21.The Daring Young Snork on the Flying Trapeze
22.Oh Brother!
23.The Story Circle
24.I'll Be Senior
25.The Day They Fixed Junior Wetworth
26.The First Snork in Space
27.Wish or Wish Out
28.All That Glitters is Not Goldfish
29.My Dinner with Allstar