My Little Pony ( TV Series 1986 - 1987 )
Ponyland is a mystical land, home to all kinds of magical creatures. The Little Ponies make their home in Paradise Estate, living a peaceful life filled with song and games. However, not all the creatures of Ponyland are so peaceful, and the Ponies often find themselves having to fight for survival against witches, trolls, goblins and all the other beasts that would love to see the Little Ponies destroyed, enslaved or otherwise harmed.
Earth Ponies - brightly coloured, talking versions of real horses
Pegasus Ponies - feathered wings and capable of sustained flight.
Unicorns - with horns that grant each of them a unique magic power. They were also able to teleport in a process known as 'winking in and out', though they could not displace solid objects, and thus were limited to winking through open air environments.
Also living in Dream Valley are:
Flutter Ponies - shy but powerful creatures with magic in their gossamer wings. They live in a remote area of Dream Valley known as Flutter Valley.
Sea Ponies - Brightly colored seahorse-like creatures who dwell in the rivers and lakes of Dream Valley. They vanish from the scene after the introduction of the Baby Sea Ponies.
Baby Sea Ponie - brightly colored seahorse-like creatures who dwell in Dream Valleys's rivers and wear floats that look like aquatic animals
Spik - A lone baby dragon who lives with the Ponies after being separated from his own kind
The Bushwoolies, a joyful species of furballs that think alike. They seem to be led by a blue Bushwoolie named Hugster.
The Furbobs - Cousins of the Bushwoolies. They walk on four legs primarily as apposed to Bushwoolies who seem to walk on the equivalent of two legs.
Stone Back s- a ferocious looking species that is sort of a dragon/armadillo cross. Sworn Enemies of the Furbobs until Megan helps the Furbobs realize that the two species can overcome their differences with love and understanding.
The Grundles - a small race of creatures ruled by the Grundle King. They used to live in Grundleland before it was smoozed and now live in Dream Castle.
Three human children often flew across the Rainbow to join the Little Ponies - siblings Megan, Danny and Molly. The group often sought advice on magical matters from the Moochick, a wise but eccentric gnome who lived in the nearby Mushromp, and his rabbit assistant, Habbit.
Episode Guide
1."The End of Flutter Valley" (10 episodes) - The Witches from the Volcano of Gloom ally with an army of giant bees to get their revenge on the Flutter Ponies. The bees steal the precious Sun Stone - if the Flutter Ponies can't get it back, their home will be destroyed. This was a direct sequel to My Little Pony: The Movie.
2."The Ghost of Paradise Estate" (4 episodes) - A creature who lived in Dream Valley before the Paradise Estate was built returns to destroy the Little Ponies' home.
3."The Great Rainbow Caper" (1 episode) - A pair of gadget-loving monkeys take Danny and Surprise prisoner, demanding the Rainbow of Light for their release.
4."The Glass Princess" (4 episodes) - Self-obsessed witch Porcina wants to turn the world into glass, to see her reflection everywhere. Three captured ponies are key to Porcina's plan and must stop her using their own magic to destroy their friends.
5."Pony Puppy" (1 episode) - When a lost puppy saves Baby Tiddlywinks from a river, the ponies feel they must look after it - but it's already twice as big as they are.
6."Bright Lights" (4 episodes) - The Baby Ponies are delighted when rock star Knight Shade performs for them - but the concert is a front to steal their shadows and feed his dark master!
7."Sweet Stuff and the Treasure Hunt" (1 episode) - Sweet Stuff feels left out trying to play with the unicorns and Pegasus ponies, but soon realises she has talents of her own.
8."The Return of Tambelon" (4 episodes) - The ancient city of Tambelon disappeared 500 years ago. Now, it returns to Dream Valley - and all of the unicorns mysteriously vanish.
9."Little Piece of Magic" (1 episode) - Ribbon and Buttons teach the Baby Ponies the value of imagination.
10."The Magic Coins" (4 episodes) - The ponies are delighted to discover a treasure chest of magic coins - until Ponyland becomes a drought after they wished it stopped raining. To undo the spell, they must appease the troll to whom the treasure really belongs.
11."Mish Mash Melee" (1 episode) - After a magical mishap, Fizzy, Shady, Wind Whistler and Gusty must live each other's lives until they can restore the balance of nature.
12."Woe Is Me" (2 episodes) - The Little Ponies provide shelter to Woebegone, a wandering hobo who brings bad luck and disaster wherever he goes.
13."Fugitive Flowers" (2 episodes) - The arrival of walking, talking flowers puts the ponies in the middle of a war that could destroy Dream Valley - and they're not sure whose side they're really on.
14."Would Be Dragonslayer" (1 episode) - Spike is harassed by a young boy trying to become a knight. The Ponies help him to find a good deed that doesn't involve slaying their friend.
15."Baby, It's Cold Outside" (2 episodes) - The Ponies are delighted as snow falls in summer, not realising that it's a plot by the Penguin King to freeze Ponyland and destroy those that can't survive the cold.
16."Crunch the Rockdog" (2 episodes) - A vicious dog carved from rock charges through Ponyland, turning everything it encounters to stone.
17."The Revolt of Paradise Estate" (2 episodes) - A magic spell brings the Paradise Estate to life - and its furniture declares war on the Little Ponies.
18."Through the Door" (2 episodes) - A door is opened to the world of fairy tales, and the ponies meet such legends as Robin Hood, Aladdin's genie and Hercules.
1."The Quest of the Princess Ponies" (4 episodes) - Lavan, a lava demon, kidnaps the Princess Ponies and steal their magic wands. As Lavan grows in power, Ponyland's magic is thrown into chaos - can he be stopped before everything is destroyed?
2."Spike's Search" (1 episodes) - Spike goes in search of his roots and joins a dragon horde, but finds he does not agree with their bullying ways.
3."The Golden Horseshoes" (2 episodes) - When a mysterious illness strikes the unicorn Mimic, the search is on to find the four Golden Horseshoes, scattered all around Ponyland - their ancient magic is her only hope.
4."Flight to Cloud Castle" (2 episodes) - The Pegasus Ponies take to the skies to help a handsome prince rescue his true love.
5."The Ice Cream Wars" (1 episode) - When a feud between two chefs leaves the Sweet Shoppe without ice cream, the Baby Ponies are determined to establish a truce.
6."Somnambula" (2 episodes) - An ancient witch lures the ponies into a fantasy world where all their dreams seem to come true. In truth, she is stealing their magic to keep herself young and powerful, and the ponies are withering away.
7."The Prince and the Ponies" (1 episode) - The ponies are delighted to be invited to dine with royalty - until they discover they are to be kept as royal pets.