Greenclaws ( TV Series 1988 - 1992 )
Greenclaws was a big green monster (who looked like a caterpillar) who lived in a greenhouse. The man who played Greenclaws was Nick Mercer. Every week, Iris would visit Greenclaws. They would put a seed in a plant pot, put the plant pot inside a tree, wait for Owlma (a mechanical owl) to alert them that the plant was ready, answer three riddles/questions from Owlma (which were always along the lines of "Twit twoo, twoo, twit twit twoo?" and then translated into English by Iris for her and Greenclaws to solve), then open the tree to find the plant had grown in to something bearing unusual fruit. Each episode featured a song filmed (lip-synched) on location, most of which were written by Hilary James and Simon Mayor. There would also be a story told featuring ancestors of Greenclaws while the plant was growing, accompanied by illustrations.