Garfield and Friends ( TV Series 1988 - 1995 )
Cartoon series based on Jim Davis' popular comic strip. The star of the series was Garfield, a lazy feline whose only desires in life were lasanga, catnaps and kicking his hapless canine companion, Odie, off the table. The show also starred Garfield's hopelessly-single owner, Jon Arbuckle. Each Garfield adventure featured Garfield's adventures and run-ins with the cast of semi-regulars (including Neurmal, an irksome kitty; Binky the Clown and the mice which inhabited Jon's house); most were satires on American life and pop culture. Each show also featured "U.S. Acres," another of Davis' strips; this strip was set in a barnyard and featured the adventures of such characters as Orson Pig, Wade Duck, Roy Rooster, Bo and Lanolin the sheep, Booker the chick and Sheldon, an unhatched egg.
Garfield: A fat, lazy Orange tabby (once described in the comic strip by his owner Jon as "an orange meatball with stripes") who wants nothing more out of life than to eat and sleep. He has a penchant for consuming lasagna, enjoys tormenting Odie, and likes trying to mail Nermal to Abu Dhabi. He made a small handful of appearances on U.S. Acres (once wearing nothing but a black mask over his eyes as his "disguise"), but was more often seen in the form of various pieces of Garfield merchandise the characters appeared to own. Deep down, Garfield loves Jon and Odie. Garfield's mouth doesn't move; the audience hears his thoughts.
Jon Arbuckle: Garfield's owner, a bachelor cartoonist who has poor luck with women and a somewhat nerdy demeanor. He is often annoyed by some of Garfield's antics, and also has an unrequited love for Dr. Liz. Whenever Garfield gets in trouble, Jon will punish him by taking him to the vet. Jon also has a mission set before him: get Garfield to do the right thing. Jon occasionally forces Garfield to hunt and catch mice, which is always unsuccessful due to Garfield not wanting to eat mice and his friendship with Floyd.
Odie: A beagle who used to belong to Jon's former roommate Lyman (who never appeared on the show, but was a character who appeared in the earliest comic strips). Is often kicked off the kitchen table by Garfield. Looks incredibly stupid and gullible, but is actually much more cunning and smart than he lets on. Odie is the only animal character who doesn't communicate with any form of dialogue, solely communicating with body language and his enthusiastic barking and other dog sound effects, although Garfield is able to understand what he says.
Nermal: A cute grey androgynous kitten who's the self-proclaimed "World's Cutest Kitty Cat". Nermal seems kind and playful, but likes to annoy Garfield and brag about how much cuter he is. Garfield often attempts (usually unsuccessfully) to mail him to Abu Dhabi as a result. Though officially considered a male, Nermal's feminine preoccupation with being cute, and the fact that a woman provides a childlike voice of ambiguous gender for Nermal, allowed the character to be mistaken for a female cat.
Pooky: Garfield's teddy bear and sleeping companion who Jon is jealous of. Found in a drawer, he is Garfield's only toy. Garfield adopted his alter ego "The Caped Avenger" after temporarily losing Pooky.
Binky The Clown: A loud, obnoxious clown who appeared a few times in the strip before becoming a regular on the show. Within the series, Binky has his own TV show that Garfield and Odie try to avoid watching. It seems that they both hate the show. In the episode where Binky was temporarily canceled, Garfield narrated, "All his fans were depressed-both of them", indicating they were the only ones who watched the show, and they didn't seem depressed at all. Binky once had his own segment on the series called "Screaming With Binky" that was the length of a Quickie and ran at the midway point of an hour episodeMost of these segments were removed in syndication. Screaming with Binky segments were only aired in seasons 2 and 3 (19891991) of the show, and some were re-aired for a month after eight weeks of season 4 and 5 episodes (Nov.1991-Sep.1993). His catchphrase is, "Heeeeeey, kiiiiiiids!" , but to Garfield he yells "Heeeeeeeeeeeey, cat!" Binky the Clown was a semi-regular on the show for the first three seasons, and then was rarely heard, seen, or mentioned again beginning season four. He made a brief cameo appearance in a season 7 episode when he returned in "The Feline Philosopher" after Garfield finally got the dog to chase the motivational feline and trespassed into the yard to get the pie from the window sill; Binky then threw pies at him and is mentioned discussing how he used to be part of an act to Odie.
Herman Post: A mailman who loves delivering the mail. He is constantly the victim of booby traps set by Garfield.
Dr. Liz Wilson: Garfield's sarcastic veterinarian and Jon's main love interest. She occasionally dates him, but these outings always become disasters often due to Garfield's actions.
Minor characters
Dr. Garbonzo Bean: A mad scientist who is responsible for creating robot versions of Odie. He appeared in the second season and again two years later complete with flashback.
Floyd: Garfield's best friend. A mouse who shows up at least once every season. A common running gag with the character is how he continually complaints about not appearing more often.
Cactus Jake (Voiced by Pat Buttram): The foreman of the Polecat Flats dude ranch; behaves in the manner of an old-fashioned cowboy, and often refuses to have anything to do with modern technology.
Al G. Swindler: As his name suggests, he is a businessman and con artist who constantly swindles the perennially gullible Jon, but is eventually outwitted by Garfield. In the episode Lemon Aid his name was given as Al J. Swindler. He also always says Jon's last name wrong like, "Mr. Arborday". He first appeared in the last week of season 2 episodes and last appeared in the first week of season 5 episodes.
The Buddy Bears: Their names are Billy, Bobby, and Bertie (though they introduced themselves as William, Robert, and Bertram in "The Garfield Opera"). They are three talking bears who spew conformist propaganda in the form of song and dance ("Oh, we're the Buddy Bears we always get along... if you ever disagree, it means that you are wrong,": etc.) Their television show once replaced Binky's, and Roy Rooster of U.S. Acres has twice been stuck as the fall guy of their routines. The Buddy Bears are a satire of The Get Along Gang and other '80s cartoons that placed the importance of group harmony over individualism. However, it is Garfield who always gets the last laugh sometimes causing arguments between the three bears. Later in the series there is a 4th female Buddy Bear, their sister Betty.
Penelope (Voiced by Victoria Jackson): Penelope is Garfield's girlfriend who takes the place of his love interest Arlene from the comics. Mark Evanier recently explained that the reason Arlene only appeared once in the series was that Jim Davis had a very specific idea of how the Arlene character should be and told the writers that if they couldn't be faithful to it, they shouldn't use her.
The Singing Ants: The Singing Ants, ants who sing while stealing food, appeared first as the stars of the musical episode "The Picnic Panic," where they steal all of Garfield's picnic lunch. They later made a cameo appearance in "A Vacation From His Senses," where they are seemingly delusions of Jon, who thinks that he has gone crazy. Their final appearance is in "Another Ant Episode," where they have another starring role, this time taking over Garfield's house.
Ludlow: A bird who only appeared twice. His father always beats up Garfield when he thinks he has eaten his son. The episodes in which he appeared are "Sweet Tweet Treat" and "Catch As Cats Can't."
Rudy: A dog who beats on Garfield every time he hosts a television program and says something bad about dogs. His name was finally revealed on Dogmother 2.
Mice: The Mice appeared in two episodes. The episodes were "Good Mousekeeping," and "Rodent Rampage." The mice don't include Floyd.
Jon's Dates: Jon's Dates appear many times. One was exactly like him in the episode "The Perfect Match."
Cat Burglar: The Cat Burglar appeared in only three episodes: "Mistakes Will Happen," "Safe At Home," and "Top Ten." He had two attempts to steal from Jon's home.
Madman Murray and Demented Dave: Similar to Mr. Swindler, both try to get Jon to buy some cheap junk. They appeared in three episodes.
Gramps: An old man character who doesn't appear in the comics but does have various stores around town.
J.D.: (a.k.a. Jim Davis). The director of the cartoons who had five "appearances." He was in the episodes: "Mystic Manor" (as himself wearing a Garfield suit drawing a comic strip), "Flat Tired," "Star Struck," "Fill In Feline," and the U.S. Acres (Orson's Farm) episode "What's It All About Wade?"
The Klopman Diamond: Not an actual character, but regularly appearing or mentioned.
Cameo Guest Star: In some episodes, one or more of the U.S. Acres characters make cameo appearances. Arlene makes a cameo appearance in Remote Possibillites
U.S. Acres (a.k.a. Orson's Farm)
Regular characters
Orson: A friendly pig whose favorite pastime is reading books and imagining himself into many scenarios, à la Walter Mitty. Orson also has two missions set before him: get Roy to do the right thing and get Wade to be brave. A running gag is that Orson is a neat freak and constantly showers and keeps clean, one time making Wade comment, "Cleanest pig I've ever known." He's good friends with Wade, Roy, Bo, and Lanolin and a father figure to Booker and Sheldon. Orson's afraid of his brothers.
Roy: A self-centered rooster who prides himself on his practical jokes. He's constantly into a scheme which more often than not Orson or another character has to bail him out of. Despite his selfishness he can be a good person but not too often.
Wade: A cowardly duck who wears a rubber flotation tube, and has a bunch of phobias no matter how trivial. As a gag, the head on his flotation tube copies nearly every movement and appearance change Wade's real head does. He is Orson's best friend, and when he gets scared (which is almost all the time), he'll blabber with no one understanding what he's saying. Though afraid of seemingly everything, Wade's greatest fear is the Weasel.
Bo: An affable sheep with a positive, laid-back attitude, whose mannerisms and vernacular are like a California beach bum. He's almost impossible to get mad and acts as a guide for Orson when dealing with his three older brothers.
Lanolin: A loud-mouthed sheep who spends most of her time arguing with Bo. The arguments are often triggered by her being disagreeable seemingly for its own sake. A running gag through out the series is Lanolin threatening to have the Farmer's wife turn Roy into a feather duster.
Booker: A small, cute, but very assertive chick who is constantly in pursuit of unnamed worms. Got his name from Orson's love of books.
Sheldon: Booker's brother, who, despite having hatched, still lives in his egg with his feet popped out of the shell so he can walk. He seems to have "all kinds of things" in his shell, including a pinball machine and a stove. In one episode it was revealed that Sheldon actually did hatch but that under his shell was nothing more than another shell. Nobody knows what happened to Booker and Sheldon's parents.
Minor characters
Wart, Gort, and Mort: Orson's older brothers (unnamed until their third appearance) who act as bullies and are usually seen trying to steal the vegetables from the farm. They seldom refer to Orson by his name, calling him "the runt."
Fred Duck: Wade's highly annoying cousin who wears a parachute when flying because he's secretly afraid of heights. Fred disappeared after the fourth season.
The Weasel: Unnamed, the weasel is constantly seen sneaking around trying to kidnap the chickens. Usually Roy (or on rare occasions Wade or Sheldon) is the one to thwart him.
The Fox: He is also an unnamed character who tries to kidnap the chickens, though he has more of a goofy persona. He was first seen trying to kidnap Sheldon, despite saying he "doesn't look ripe."
Chloe: Roy's niece and a bookish chick. Roy likes her more thanhe'll admit. She was first introduced in "Uncle Roy to the Rescue", and then was seen again in "Snow Wade and the 77 Dwarfs, pts. 1-2".
Edward R. Furrow: The farm's local psychiatrist badger whose named after Edward R. Murrow. His appearances include "A Mildley Mental Mix-Up" and "Daydream Doctor".
Aloysius: A pig who appears in the seventh season of U.S. Acres. He works not only as a studio accountant but also as a television executive . He gave problems to Orson and his friends about their show (such as the "unwholesomeness" of nursery rhymes in "Kiddie Korner" and budget of the animators of the cartoon in "The discount of Monte Cristo"). He has a dart board, which he uses to plan each season of TV. However, Orson and his gang find a way to pay him back near the end of each episode.
Plato: A sophisticated Rooster who came to the farm to do Roy's job. Roy got really jealous of him, although when Plato proved too cowardly to save the chickens from the weasel he was thrown out of the farm. Plato first appeared in the third season and had another appearance in Season 4.
Cameo Guest Star: Sometimes, a character from the Garfield portion of the show will be seen, heard, or mentioned. Usually this is Garfield himself; Odie is also common, however Nermal has appeared once.
Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Peace & Quiet/Wanted: Wade/Garfield Goes Hawaiian
Original Air Date17 September 1988
Peace and Quiet: Garfield tries to sleep after watching TV all night; but Binky the Clown refuses to go away, believing he's at the home of a 97 year old woman to wish her a happy birthday. Wanted Wade: Wade tears a tag off a pillow and fears he will be sent to prison for it. Garfield Goes Hawaiian: Garfield contracts a disease called the Hawaiian Cat Flu which makes him dance anytime something Hawaiian is mentioned.
Season 1, Episode 2: Box O' Fun/U.S. Acres: Unidentified Flying Orson/School Daze
Original Air Date24 September 1988
Box O' Fun: With a cardboard box and his imagination, Garfield gets into a lot of trouble with Jon. Unidentified Flying Orson: Knowing Orson tends to believe everything he reads, Roy preys on a nervous Orson when he's absorbed in a book about alien invasion. School Daze: Jon gets fed up with Garfield's bad behavior and sends him to obedience school where the biggest obstacle is the trainer.
Season 1, Episode 3: Nighty Nightmare/U.S. Acres: Banana Nose/Ode to Odie
Original Air Date1 October 1988
Nighty Nightmare: After consuming a whole pizza and being warned by Jon that he'll have nightmares from it, Garfield dreams he overeats and becomes too big to feed. Banana Nose: When Roy pulls a prank on his friends, they retaliate by calling him Banana Nose to the point he leaves the farm. Ode to Odie: Garfield recites a poem about Odie wandering away from home and encountering some tough dogs in the mean part of town.
Season 1, Episode 4: Fraidy Cat/U.S. Acres: Shell Shocked Sheldon/Nothing to Sneeze At
Original Air Date8 October 1988
Fraidy Cat: Garfield and Odie are spooked when the power goes out after watching a monster movie and they find out Jon is missing. Shell Shocked Sheldon: Orson and his friends convince Sheldon to return to the chicken coop to become fully hatched. Nothing to Sneeze At: Jon takes Liz out on a date but must put up with an allergic Garfield and his constant sneezing.
Season 1, Episode 5: Garfield's Moving Experience/U.S. Acres: Wade: You're Afraid/Good Mousekeeping
Original Air Date15 October 1988
Garfield's Moving Experience: Garfield presses his luck with Jon too much and gets thrown out of the house. He decides to go live somewhere else and gets adopted by a rich girl. Wade, You're Afraid: Orson is fed up with Wade cowering over every little thing and hypnotizes him to be brave. Good Mousekeeping: A mouse, Floyd, encounters Garfield and takes for granted living with a cat who doesn't chase mice.
Season 1, Episode 6: Identity Crisis/U.S. Acres: The Bad Sport/Up a Tree
Original Air Date22 October 1988
Identity Crisis: A dogcatcher thinks Garfield's a dog, Floyd starts meowing and the dog chasing Garfield works on his mouse impersonation. The Bad Sport: Orson convinces everybody to try a new sport called pig ball, unaware that Roy has put a bunch of fake rules in the game book. Up A Tree: Garfield gets thrown out of the house when Nermal comes to visit; hears a tree calling to him and jumps up it, but then can't get down.
Season 1, Episode 7: Weighty Problem/U.S. Acres: The Worm Turns/Good Cat, Bad Cat
Original Air Date29 October 1988
Weighty Problem: Garfield tampers with a new scale leading Jon to believe he's 50 pounds overweight. As the Worm Turns: Orson tells a story about how Booker gave up hunting worms. Good Cat, Bad Cat: Garfield is at war with himself when his good and bad sides tell him what to do.
Season 1, Episode 8: Cabin Fever/U.S. Acres: Return of Power Pig/Fair Exchange
Original Air Date5 November 1988
Cabin Fever: Garfield and Odie are stuck in a cabin during a blizzard with no food. The Return of Power Pig: A rumor says there's a monster on the farm; calling for Orson to make his return as Power Pig to destroy the monster. Fair Exchange: Garfield and Jon both dream about what it's like to be the other.
Season 1, Episode 9: The Binky Show/U.S. Acres: Keeping Cool/Don't Move!
Original Air Date12 November 1988
The Binky Show: Garfield goes on the Binky show to win presents for Jon's birthday. Keeping Cool: Bo tries to teach Orson how to keep his cool even though his brothers are coming. Don't Move! Garfield tells Odie not to move from his spot but due to events beyond his controls, goes on a long adventure.
Season 1, Episode 10: Magic Mutt/U.S. Acres: Short Story/Monday Misery
Original Air Date19 November 1988
Magic Mutt: Jon and Garfield go to a magic shop and Garfield gets into a battle with the magician's dog. Short Story: Booker's anxious to prove to everybody on the farm he's not too small to help. Monday Misery: Garfield is so desperate to escape Monday that he mails himself to Samoa.
Season 1, Episode 11: Best of Breed/U.S. Acres: National Tapioca Pudding Day/All About Odie
Original Air Date26 November 1988
Best of Breed: After seeing how many medals Nermal has won, pushes Jon to put him in a cat show. National Tapioca Pudding Day: Roy gives a box of booby trapped tapioca pudding to Orson telling him it's a national holiday, not counting on Orson to pass his gift along to his friends. All About Odie: Garfield puts together a presentation on Odie.
Season 1, Episode 12: Caped Avenger/U.S. Acres: Shy Fly Guy/Green Thumbs Down
Original Air Date3 December 1988
The Caped Avenger: Believing Pooky's been kidnapped, Garfield turns himself into a super hero and Odie becomes his sidekick in the search for the teddy bear. Shy Fly Guy: Wade encounters Fred Duck, whose teasing pushes him to try and overcome his fear of flying. Green Thumbs Down: Appalled at the grocery bill, Jon decides they should grow their own food.
Season 1, Episode 13: Forget Me Not/U.S. Acres: I Like Having You Around!/Sales Resistance
Original Air Date10 December 1988
Forget Me Not: Garfield gets hit with a lasagna pan and becomes a polite, health conscious feline. I Like Having You Around: Orson writes in his diary about Bo and Lanolin having a fight that caused Bo to leave the farm. Sales Resistance: Jon warns Garfield against buying anymore useless junk, but Garfield has trouble getting rid of a persistent elephant repellent salesman.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Pest of a Guest/U.S. Acres: The Impractical Joker/Fat & Furry
Original Air Date16 September 1989
Pest of a Guest: Jon takes in a starving cat who more than happily makes himself at home at Garfield's expense. The Impractical Joker: Roy gets on everybody's nerves with his humorless jokes and Orson fires him. Fat & Furry: Garfield buys a lottery ticket at the store which winds up winning them millions of dollars.
Season 2, Episode 2: Rip Van Kitty/U.S. Acres: Grabbity/The Big Catnap
Original Air Date16 September 1989
Rip Van Kitty: At a picnic, Garfield falls asleep and dreams he wakes up 20 years later. Grabbity: Roy plays a practical joke on Wade leaving him to worry that the law of gravity has been repealed. The Big Catnap: Jon tries to keep Garfield asleep so he can enjoy a box of cookies his mother sent.
Season 2, Episode 3: The Great Getaway/U.S. Acres: Scrambled Eggs/Hansel and Garfield
Original Air Date23 September 1989
The Great Getaway: After stowing away in Jon's suitcase to New York, Garfield finds out his owner has gotten involved with a pickpocket. Scrambled Eggs: Orson tells a story about how a mother turtle with a baby who didn't want to hatch, confused her runaway son with Sheldon. Hansel and Garfield: Garfield's stuck entertaining Nermal for the day so tells his own version of Hansel and Gretel.
Season 2, Episode 4: The Sludge Monster/Fortune Kooky/Heatwave Holiday
Original Air Date23 September 1989
The Sludge Monster: Jon tells Garfield and Odie the story of the sludge monster, which scares them into thinking the monster is outside. Fortune Kooky: For a practical joke, Roy makes the predictions of Wade's fortune cookies come to life. Heatwave Holiday: In an attempt to think cool on a hot day, Jon and Garfield decorate the house for Christmas; something that quickly spreads to all the other houses and soon the whole town.
Season 2, Episode 5: One Good Fern Deserves Another/U.S. Acres: Goody-Go-Round/The Black Book
Original Air Date30 September 1989
One Good Fern Deserves Another: Jon buys a fern that's guaranteed impossible for Garfield to eat, unaware it's a meat eating fern. Goody-Go-Round: In an attempt to get a record player for Bo, Orson winds up having to do favors for everybody else on the farm. The Black Book: Due to a misunderstanding, Jon tells Garfield to get rid of his little black book and then about goes crazy trying to get it back.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Legend of the Lake/U.S. Acres: Double Oh Orson/Health Feud
Original Air Date30 September 1989
The Legend of the Lake: Garfield recounts the history of a lake that a prehistoric cat crossed to reach an island of lasagna trees. Double Oh Orson: Orson gets caught up in a mystery novel. Health Feud: Jon decides to get in shape thanks to a fitness guru named Rick Deltoid, and tries to get Garfield to do the same.
Season 2, Episode 7: Binky Gets Cancelled!/U.S. Acres: Show Stoppers/Cutie and the Beast
Original Air Date7 October 1989
Binky Gets Cancelled! The network doesn't find Binky's show suitable for young viewers so replace him with the Buddy Bears. Show Stoppers: Orsons brothers Gort, Mort and Wort crash a variety show they're performing. Cutie and the Beast: Garfield convinces Nermal he's ugly, causing Nermal to run away and get mixed up with a dangerous cat.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Lasagna Zone/U.S. Acres: Sleepytime Pig/Yojumbo
Original Air Date7 October 1989
The Lasagna Zone: Jon brings home a new satellite dish with an unusual warning which Garfield doesn't notice and as a result, winds up in the TV. Sleepytime Pig: The Sandman missed the farm and Orson didn't sleep all night so his friends try to make him tired. Yojumbo: Jon and Liz are mugged on a date, so Jon goes for martial art lessons while Garfield becomes 'Yojumbo', a Samauri warrior cat to protect Jon.
Season 2, Episode 9: Pros and Cons/Rooster Revenge/Lights! Camera! Garfield!
Original Air Date14 October 1989
Pros and Cons: Odie falls victim to a conman cat on the way to the store and loses Jon's money in exchange for a dirty sock. Rooster Revenge: Roy drops 50 pounds of creamed spinach on Orson and despite Orson's insistence that he's not going to trick Roy back, Roy becomes paranoid waiting for the payback prank. Lights! Camera! Garfield!: A movie director calls Garfield the perfect thing for his big picture, but Garfield expects to be the glamorous star, not the stunt cat put in all the peril.
Season 2, Episode 10: Polecat Flats/U.S. Acres: Hogcules/Brain Boy
Original Air Date14 October 1989
Polecat Flats: While visiting Cactus Jake's dude ranch, Garfield helps Jon survive Jake's horse riding lessons, and falls for a black and white cat. Hogcules: Orson's brothers are coming to pay him a visit and he imagines himself as the eternally strong Hercules who could take on anything. Brain Boy: Jon, Garfield and Odie go out to visit some family, and while Jon's stuck looking at slides, Garfield's stuck in the garage with a bratty kid scientist.
Season 2, Episode 11: Maine Course/U.S. Acres: No Laughing Matter/Attack of the Mutant Guppies
Original Air Date21 October 1989
Maine Course: Jon receives a lobster as a gift but it refuses to be cooked, so he and Garfield try to make a pet out of it. No Laughing Matter: Aliens come to Earth to drain it of all its humor, so Orson and his friends use Roy's joke books to try and defeat them. Attack of the Mutant Guppies: Garfield tells Nermal a scary story about mutant guppies living in the sewer so he'll go to bed, but the story seems to take on a life of its own.
Season 2, Episode 12: Robodie/U.S. Acres: First Aid Wade/Video Victim
Original Air Date21 October 1989
Robodie: Odie is dog-napped by a nutty scientist who wants to make robotic duplicates of him. First Aid Wade: After hurting his leg, Wade overhears Roy and Orson talking about fixing broken legs with nails and hammer and glue, not knowing they're trying to fix a broken ping pong table. Video Victim: Garfield enters a bet with Jon that he can't watch TV for 24 hours, but the TV starts to feel neglected and comes after Garfield to watch it.
Season 2, Episode 13: The Curse of the Klopman/Mud Sweet Mud/Rainy Day Dreams
Original Air Date28 October 1989
The Curse of the Klopman: Jon's uncle dies and leaves his famous cursed Klopman diamond to Garfield, which brings him nothing but bad luck. Mud Sweet Mud: Orson arranges for everybody to help in cleaning up the farm, but they take it a step further and try to clean out his mud waller. Rainy Day Dreams: Stuck inside on a rainy day, Garfield imagines he and Odie in the castle of a mad scientist while a woman comes over to swindle Jon into buying insurance.
Season 2, Episode 14: Basket Brawl/U.S. Acres: Origin of Power Pig!/Cactus Jake Rides Again
Original Air Date28 October 1989
Season 2, Episode 15: Binky Goes Bad!/U.S. Acres: Barn of Fear/Mini-Mall Matters
Original Air Date4 November 1989
Binky Goes Bad: Binky is put on trial for a list of robbery charges and Garfield uses the show's script to find out who's really behind it. Barn of Fear: The barn is overloaded with crops that there's no place to sleep, so Orson takes everybody up to the old barn, which Wade insists is haunted by the ghosts of their ancestors. Mini-Mall Matters: Garfield does a presentation on how mini-malls are grown from seeds and what all they contain.
Season 2, Episode 16: Attention Getting Garfield/U.S. Acres: Swine Trek/It Must Be True!
Original Air Date4 November 1989
Attention Getting Garfield: No matter what Garfield does, everybody ignores him and only pays attention to Odie. Swine Trek: Orson's sick and has a Star Trek-like dream sequence about he and the others hunting down the virus. It Must be True!: Garfield presents a bunch of wild ideas on a TV show about the world, falling back on the line 'if they show it on TV, it must be true!'
Season 2, Episode 17: Arrivederci, Odie!/U.S. Acres: Gort Goes Good/Feeling Feline
Original Air Date11 November 1989
Arrevederci, Odie!: Jon takes Odie to the vet and comes back without him, leaving Garfield to believe he has the house to himself now. Gort Goes Good: Orson's brother Gort seems to have turned over a new leaf and wants to help work on the farm. feeling Feline: Jon worries he and Garfield do too many things together and tries to do something Garfield won't.
Season 2, Episode 18: The Bear Facts/U.S. Acres: Nothing to Be Afraid of/The Big Talker
Original Air Date11 November 1989
The Bear Facts: Jon takes Garfield and Odie camping where they run across Binky's dancing bear. Nothing to Be Afraid Of: Everybody on the farm tries to come up with something that won't scare Wade. The Big Talker: Garfield goes after a talk show host that publicly hates cats.
Season 2, Episode 19: Cactus Makes Perfect/U.S. Acres: Hogcules II/Crime and Nourishment
Original Air Date25 November 1989
Season 2, Episode 20: T.V. of Tomorrow/U.S. Acres: Little Red Riding Egg/Well-Fed Feline
Original Air Date18 November 1989
T.V. of Tomorrow: Jon's 1-year-old TV breaks down and he and Garfield are subjected to the many different kinds of televisions of the future. Little Red Riding Egg: Orson finds a video camera and decides to make a movie of Little Red Riding Hood with Sheldon in the starring role, Wade as the grandmother and Roy as the wolf unaware that a real wolf is in the area. Well-Fed Feline: Garfield convinces a woman that he's starving and she tells Jon he'll go to jail unless Garfield is well-fed when she returns.
Season 2, Episode 21: Invasion of the Big Robots/U.S. Acres: Shelf Esteem/Housebreak Hotel
Original Air Date25 November 1989
Invasion of the Big Robots: Garfield wakes up and finds himself in the wrong cartoon - an action packed cartoon. Shelf Esteem: Roy bets Wade and Lanolin that Orson can't get his books put away because he reads them all first. Housebreak Hotel: Jon leaves Garfield and Odie at Howie's Housebreak Hotel which turns out to be a pet prison.
Season 2, Episode 22: First Class Feline/U.S. Acres: Hamelot/How to Be Funny
Original Air Date25 November 1989
In "First Class Feline," Garfield's latest attempt to mail Nermal to Abu Dhabi gets out of hand. Then, in "Hamelot," Orson imagines himself as King Arthur. Finally, in "How To Be Funny", Garfield gives a lecture on comedy.
Season 2, Episode 23: Mystic Manor/U.S. Acres: Flop Goes the Weasel/The Legend of Long Jon
Original Air Date2 December 1989
Mystic Manor: While on vacation, Odie disappears into a haunted house called Mystic Manor and Garfield has to bring him back. Flop Goes the Weasel: Wade accidentally catches the weasel and lets the ego of being a hero go to his head. The Legend of Long Jon: Jon, Garfield and Odie go to Washington to find out about his relatives, only to be chased by a mob and find out that his ancestor, Long Jon, stole maps from George Washington.
Season 2, Episode 24: China Cat/U.S. Acres: Cock-A-Doodle Dandy/Beach Blanket Bonzo
Original Air Date2 December 1989
Season 2, Episode 25: Lemon Aid/U.S. Acres: Hog Noon/Video Airlines
Original Air Date16 December 1989
Lemon Aid: Jon gets conned into selling his car and buying a broken down piece of junk by Al G. Swindler. Hog Noon: Orson receives a letter from Hammerhead Hog, a bully who Orson helped get sentenced to detention for life - he's coming at noon to settle with Orson. Video Airlines: When the same movie plays on every TV channel, Jon takes Garfield and Odie to rent a movie from the video store.
Season 2, Episode 26: The Mail Animal/U.S. Acres: Peanut-Brained Rooster/Mummy Dearest
Original Air Date16 December 1989
The Mail Animal: Melvin the mailman gets fired because of his inability to deal with Garfield; so Garfield gives Melvin's boss a taste of what it's like trying to deliver mail to the Arbuckle house. Peanut-Brained Rooster: Orson tells a story of how Roy became fixated on peanuts just at the time that Mort, Gort and Wort stole their entire peanut crop. Mummy Dearest: On a mummy expedition at the museum, Garfield hits his head and dreams of being a Pharoh's cat in Ancient Egypt.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Skyway Robbery/U.S. Acres: The Bunny Rabbits Is Coming!/Close Encounters of the Garfield Kind
Original Air Date15 September 1990
Skyway Robbery: Jon, Garfield and Odie are passengers on a rickety broken-down plane flown by Al G. Swindler, who bails out and leaves them to fly the plane. The Bunny Rabbits is Coming!: Orson and the others receive a telegram that says only 'The bunny rabbits is coming'. Close Encounters of the Garfield Kind: John, Garfield and Odie encounter a cute little alien whose reasons for coming to earth are more sinister than he leads them to believe.
Season 3, Episode 2: Astro Cat/U.S. Acres: Cock-A-Doodle Duel/Cinderella Cat
Original Air Date15 September 1990
Astro Cat: Garfield tells Odie about a relative of his who was the first cat in outer space. Cock-A-Doodle Duel: A new rooster comes to the farm who swoons the chickens with poetry and music, and Roy feuds with him for the chickens' affection. Cinderella Cat: Garfield finds a lost book of Cinderella and wishes he had a fairy godmother, but instead winds up with a fairy godfather who grants wishes, but with a catch.
Season 3, Episode 3: Ship Shape/Barn of Fear II/Break-a-Leg
Original Air Date22 September 1990
Ship Shape: Jon and Garfield are booked on a 2 week cruise, but the ship doesn't allow pets. Barn of Fear II: Orson and the others decide to dress up in their ancestors' clothes and hold a harvest celebration up at the old barn; while unbeknownst to them, the ghosts of their ancestors ward off Orson's brothers who have come to steal the harvest. Break-a-Leg: Jon takes Garfield and Odie up to a ski resort to meet ladies, while Garfield continuously predicts, "You're going to break your leg."
Season 3, Episode 4: Twice Told Tale/U.S. Acres: Orson Goes on Vacation/Wedding Bell Blues
Original Air Date22 September 1990
Twice Told Tale: Jon and Garfield both tell very different versions of how the house got filled with yogurt. Orson Goes on Vacation: Orson goes away on a vacation and leaves Wade in charge. Wedding Bell Blues: Jon's cousin Marian asks him to be best man at her wedding and Garfield and Odie overhear, mistakenly believing Jon's getting married.
Season 3, Episode 11: Count Lasagan Sweep/U.S. Acres: Secrets of the Animated Cartoon/How the West was Lost
Original Air Date29 September 1990
Clean Sweep: Jon buys a Shlocko Pet Washer that's designed to clean pets as soon as they get dirty, and Garfield takes it for a test drive on Odie. Secrets of the Animated Cartoon: Orson explains to Wade (and the viewers) how certain elements of cartoons work, including: takes, double takes, spit takes, running off of cliffs, and delayed reactions. How the West Was Lost: Cactus Jake gets fired from the ranch and tries to find a job in the city living with Jon and Garfield.
Season 3, Episode 6: Binky Gets Cancelled, Again!/U.S. Acres: Orson's Diner/Flat Tired
Original Air Date29 September 1990
Season 3, Episode 7: Return of the Buddy Bears/U.S. Acres: Much Ado About Lanolin/Reigning Cats and Dogs
Original Air Date6 October 1990
Season 3, Episode 8: Fit for a King/U.S. Acres: Ben Hog/Dessert in the Desert
Original Air Date6 October 1990
Season 3, Episode 9: Hound of the Arbuckles/U.S. Acres: Read Alert/Urban Arbuckle
Original Air Date13 October 1990
Season 3, Episode 10: Odielocks and the 3 Cats/Quack to the Future/Beddy Buy
Original Air Date13 October 1990
Odielocks and the 3 Cats: While waiting for his lasagna to cool down, Garfield tells Odie the story of Odielocks and the 3 Cats. Quack to the Future: Orson yells at Wade for making a mistake and then wonders how it might effect their future. Beddy Buy: Garfield breaks his bed and Jon takes him shopping to get a new one.
Season 3, Episode 11: Count Lasagna/U.S. Acres: Mystery Guest/Rodent Ramage
Original Air Date20 October 1990
Count Lasagna: Jon tries to sell his boss on the idea of a new cartoon, a vampire cat called Count Lasagna. Mystery Guest: Roy hold a contest to give away the farmer's tractor to anybody who can guess the identity of their mystery guest (Garfield). Rodent Rampage: Floyd and his cousin make themselves at home and Jon demands Garfield get rid of them.
Season 3, Episode 12: Feline Felon/The Legal Eagle/The Cactus Saga
Original Air Date20 October 1990
Season 3, Episode 13: D.J. Jon/U.S. Acres: Cornfinger/Five Minute Warning
Original Air Date27 October 1990
D.J. Jon: Jon's cousin, George, gets him a job at the radio station as *cringe*, a disc jockey! Cornfinger: Orson imagines himself as Double-O Orson, battling against P. Cornfinger, who has been stealing corn from all over the world. Five Minute Warning: Jon bets Garfield he can't go five whole minutes without eating.
Season 3, Episode 14: Wonderful World/The Orson Awards/The Garfield Workout
Original Air Date27 October 1990
Wonderful World: Jon takes Garfield and Odie to a vacation at the theme park, Wonderful World, which is anything but wonderful as Al G. Swindler has taken it over and let it fall by the wayside. The Orson Awards: All the barnyard animals turn out to see who will take home the trophy for the Orson Awards. The Garfield Workout: Garfield presents his own ideas on working out, dieting, and how to tell if you're overweight.
Season 3, Episode 15: All Things Fat and Small/Robin Hog/Hare Replacement
Original Air Date3 November 1990
All Things Fat and Small: Jon competes with a wilderness guide for the affection of the women who have joined them on their wilderness trip; while Garfield and Odie meet up with some of the wild animals, who Garfield teaches how to get food from humans. Robin Hog: After Roy confiscates their crop of acorns, Orson gets hit in the head and imagines himself as Robin Hog going up against the evil Sheriff, which is Roy. Hare Replacement: Jon gets a rabbit for a magic trick he's going to perform, but the rabbit, who is tired of being pulled out of hats, runs off, leaving Garfield to substitute for him.
Season 3, Episode 16: Stick to It/Orson in Wonderland/For Cats Only
Original Air Date10 November 1990
Season 3, Episode 17: Mistakes Will Happen/The Well Dweller/The Wise Man
Original Air Date17 November 1990
Season 3, Episode 18: Star Struck/Election Daze/Dirty Business
Original Air Date17 November 1990
Season 4
SSeason 4, Episode 1: Moo Cow Mutt/Big Bad Buddy Bird/Angel Puss
Original Air Date14 September 1991
Season 4, Episode 2: Trial and Error/An Egg-Citing Story/Supermarket Mania
Original Air Date14 September 1991
Season 4, Episode 3: The Legend of Cactus Jupiter/Birthday Boy Roy/Jukebox Jon
Original Air Date21 September 1991
Season 4, Episode 4: Squeak Previews/Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Wade/A Tall Tale
Original Air Date21 September 1991
Season 4, Episode 5: Frankenstein Feline/Weatherman Wade/Fill-In Feline
Original Air Date28 September 1991
Frankenstein Feline: Jon dreams he's Dr. Frankenstein who has invented a cat with a tummy the size of a whale's. Weatherman Wade: Wade makes a wish it would stop raining, and is pleased, but several months pass by without rain so he tries to undo his wish. Fill-In Feline: Garfield's sick so the director casts Nermal in his role in the current cartoon.
Season 4, Episode 6: Polar Pussycat/Over the Rainbow/Remote Possibilities
Original Air Date28 September 1991
Polar Pussycat: Garfield accidentally winds up on an airplane going to the North Pole. Over the Rainbow: When the rain stops, Roy follows the rainbow for the pot of gold, but finds himself instead in the middle of a game show. Remote Possibilities: Jon has too many remotes so goes to buy one brand new universal remote that will work on all his electronics; only Garfield and Odie get their hands on a new, experimental remote that controls everything.
Season 4, Episode 7: Night of the Living Laundromat/Fast Food/Cash and Carry
Original Air Date5 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 8: Speed Trap/Flights of Fantasy/Castaway Cat
Original Air Date5 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 9: Mind Over Matter/Orson at the Bat/The Multiple-Choice Cartoon
Original Air Date12 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 10: Galactic Gamesman Garfield/Sly Spy Guy/The Thing That Stayed Forever
Original Air Date12 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 11: Bouncing Baby Blues/The Ugly Duckling/Learning Lessons
Original Air Date19 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 12: Robodie II/For Butter or Worse/Annoying Things
Original Air Date19 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 13: Guaranteed Trouble/U.S. Acres: Fan Clubbing/A Jarring Experience
Original Air Date26 October 1991
Season 4, Episode 14: The Idol of Id/Bedtime Story Blues/Mama Manicotti
Original Air Date2 November 1991
Season 4, Episode 15: The Pizza Patrol/The Son Also Rises/Rolling Romance
Original Air Date9 November 1991
Season 4, Episode 16: The Automated, Animated Cartoon/It's a Wonderful Wade/Truckin' Odie
Original Air Date9 November 1991
The Automated, Animated Cartoon: Jon's boss Mr. Sprocket decides to digitize Garfield to show them the future of how cartoons will be made. It's a Wonderful Wade: After failing to guard the crops, Wade finds out how different things would be if he was never born. Truckin' Odie: In a homage to "Convoy", Garfield sings a song about Odie riding with a trucker and helping him escape a cargo thief to safely deliver the truck on time.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Home Away from Home/Rainy Day Robot/Odie the Amazing
Original Air Date19 September 1992
Season 5, Episode 2: The First Annual Garfield Watchers Test/Stark Raven Mad/The Record Breaker
Original Air Date19 September 1992
Season 5, Episode 3: Renewed Terror/Bad Time Story/Tooth or Dare
Original Air Date26 September 1992
Season 5, Episode 4: Country Cousin/The Name Game/The Carnival Curse
Original Air Date26 September 1992
Season 5, Episode 5: Home Sweet Swindler/Forget-Me-Not Newton/The Great Inventor
Original Air Date3 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 6: Taste Makes Waist/The Wolf Who Cried Boy/The Kitty Council
Original Air Date3 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 7: The Kitty Council/The Bo Show/Bad Neighbor Policy
Original Air Date10 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 8: Canvas Back Cat/Make Believe Moon/The Creature That Lived in the Refrigerator, Behind the Mayonnaise, Next to the Ketchup and to the Left of the Cole Slaw
Original Air Date10 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 9: Airborne Odie/Once Upon a Time Warp/Bride and Broom
Original Air Date17 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 10: Cute for Loot/The Caverns of Cocoa/Dream Date
Original Air Date17 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 11: The Worst Pizza in the History of Mankind/Jack II: The Rest of the Story/The Garfield Opera
Original Air Date24 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 12: Dummy of Danger/Sooner or Later/Jumping Jon
Original Air Date24 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 13: Sound Judgement/Gross Encounters/The Perils of Penelope
Original Air Date31 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 14: The Cartoon Cat Conspiracy/Who Done It?/The Picnic Panic
Original Air Date31 October 1992
Season 5, Episode 15: The Cartoon Cat Conspiracy/The Picnic Panic/Ghost of a Chance!
Original Air Date7 November 1992
Season 5, Episode 16: Super Sonic Seymour/A Mildly Mental Mix-Up/The Garfield Rap
Original Air Date7 November 1992
Super Sonic Seymour: Jon hires a time obsessed man to help him get his life organized, much to Garfield and Odie's dismay. A Mildly Mental Mix-Up: While a psychiatrist tries to cure Wade of his phobias, the wolf tricks Roy into abandoning his guard at the hen house. The Garfield Rap: Garfield's rap music video about being a cat becomes number one on a cat music channel.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: A Vacation from His Senses/Garfield's Garbage Can and Tin Pan Alley Review/Dread Giveaway
Original Air Date18 September 1993
Season 6, Episode 2: The Wright Stuff/Safe at Home/Orson Express
Original Air Date18 September 1993
Season 6, Episode 3: Jon the Barbarian/Uncle Roy to the Rescue/The Kitten and the Council
Original Air Date25 September 1993
Season 6, Episode 4: Next Door Nuisance/What's It All About, Wade?/Bigfeetz
Original Air Date25 September 1993
Season 6, Episode 5: The Canine Conspiracy/Snow Wade and the 77 Dwarfs: Part 1/The Genuine Article
Original Air Date2 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 6: The Best Policy/Snow Wade and the 77 Dwarfs: Part 2/Fishy Feline
Original Air Date2 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 7: The Pie-Eyed Piper/Sweet Tweet Treat/Fine Feathered Funnyman
Original Air Date2 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 8: The Floyd Story/How Now, Stolen Cow?/The Second Penelope Episode
Original Air Date9 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 9: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse/Payday Mayday/How to Drive a Human Crazy
Original Air Date9 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 10: Date of Disaster/A Little Time Off/The Longest Doze
Original Air Date16 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 11: The Life and Times of the Lasagne Kid/Return of the Incredibly Stupid Swamp Monster/Unreal Estate
Original Air Date23 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 12: Stairway to Stardom/Midnight Ride of Paul Revere's Duck/Magic, Monsters and Manicotti
Original Air Date23 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 13: Lost and Foundling/Winter Wonderland/Films and Felines
Original Air Date30 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 14: The Garfield Musical/Mind Over Melvin/The Third Penelope Episode
Original Air Date30 October 1993
Season 6, Episode 15: Knights and Daze/Holiday Happening/Jailbird Jon
Original Air Date6 November 1993
Season 6, Episode 16: The Third Penelope Episode/Hare Force/Garfield's Garbage Can & Tin Pan Alley Revue
Original Air Date6 November 1993
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: The Legend of Johnny Ragweedseed/Grape Expectations, Part 1/Catch as Cats Can't
Original Air Date17 September 1994
Season 7, Episode 2: A Matter of Conscience/Grape Expectations: Part 2/Top Ten
Original Air Date17 September 1994
Season 7, Episode 3: Change of Mind/Temp Trouble/The Perfect Match
Original Air Date24 September 1994
Season 7, Episode 4: My Fair Feline/Double Trouble Talk/Half-Baked Alaska
Original Air Date24 September 1994
Season 7, Episode 5: Puss in High Tops/Egg Over Easy: Part 1/The Beast from Beyond
Original Air Date1 October 1994
Season 7, Episode 6: Model Behavior/U.S. Acres: Egg Over Easy - Part 2/Another Ant Episode
Original Air Date1 October 1994
Season 7, Episode 7: The Guy of Her Dreams/U.S. Acres: The Discount of Monte Cristo/The Fairy Dogmother
Original Air Date8 October 1994
Season 7, Episode 8: The Stand-Up Mouse/Daydream Doctor/Happy Garfield Day
Original Air Date8 October 1994
Season 7, Episode 9: Sit on It/Kiddy Korner/Brainwave Broadcast
Original Air Date15 October 1994
In Sit on It, Garfield learns from the Cat Channel that he should sit on things humans want to read, so he takes over Jon's Spanish book. In Kiddie Korner, a pig from the network tells the US Acres crew to do nursery rhymes instead of Shakespeare, but every rhyme they try is unsuitable for children. In Brainwave Broadcast, Garfield demonstrates the "telepathovisionator," which allows the audience to hear his thoughts.
Season 7, Episode 10: The Suburban Jungle/The Thing in the Box/The Feline Philosopher
Original Air Date22 October 1994
Season 7, Episode 11: Thoroughly Mixed-Up Mouse/The Old Man and the Mountain/Food Fighter
Original Air Date29 October 1994
Season 7, Episode 12: The Jelly Roger/The Farmyard Feline Philosopher/Dogmother II
Original Air Date5 November 1994
Season 7, Episode 13: Alley Katta & the 40 Thieves/If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Alpha Centauri/Clash of Titans
Original Air Date19 November 1994
Season 7, Episode 14: The Man Who Hated Cats/Deja Vu/Canned Laughter
Original Air Date26 November 1994
Season 7, Episode 15: Horror Hostess/Newsworthy Wade
Original Air Date3 December 1994
Season 7, Episode 16: Arbuckle the Invincible/The Monster Who Couldn't Scare Anybody/The Ocean Blue
Original Air Date10 December 1994