ALF (TV Series 1986 - 1990)
The Tanner family is an average American family. One day, they discover that they have a visitor. He's small, he's furry, he's arrogant, and he's an alien from the planet Melmac. Unsure what to do, they name him ALF: Alien Life Form. Alf soon decides that as much as he misses his home planet, there's a lot to be said for Earth: the Tanners are willing to concede anything as long as he doesn't announce his presence. Oh yeah, the the Tanners also have a cat, which looks rather tasty.
Season 1
Season 1, Episode 0: Original Unaired Pilot
Original Air Date1986
Season 1, Episode 1: A.L.F.
Original Air Date22 September 1986
The whole story starts here as Gordon Shumway, a Melmacian who escaped his planet before it was destroyed, crash lands into the garage of the Tanner family. The Tanners call him "ALF" because he is an Alien Life Form and they decide to keep his presence a secret so that the U.S. Government will not take away the space being and subject him to experiments. From the beginning, there is no sanity for the Tanner family.
Season 1, Episode 2: Strangers in the Night
Original Air Date29 September 1986
Everybody but Brian and ALF are leaving the house for the evening and Kate doesn't want ALF to babysit Brian, so Willie calls their ever-snooping Mrs. Ochmonek from the neighbor. ALF is told to stay in the bedroom, but when Mrs. Ochmonek starts to watch Psycho, which ALF wants to see, he can't resist sneaking out of the bedroom. Mrs. Ochmonek is in for some unusual experiences.
Season 1, Episode 3: Looking for Lucky
Original Air Date6 October 1986
Lucky is missing and the evidence suggests that ALF ate Lucky, although he claims to be innocent.
Season 1, Episode 4: Pennsylvania 6-5000
Original Air Date13 October 1986
Gordon (A.L.F.), having lost his planet in an explosion, becomes very concerned about earth's nuclear proliferation. He uses Willie's short wave radio to contact the President of the United States aboard Airforce One - to the great displeasure of the FBI.
Season 1, Episode 5: Keepin' the Faith
Original Air Date20 October 1986
Gordon (A.L.F.) is insulted when the Tanners consider him a parasite, free-loader, sponger. He tries to make money to be less of a burden on the family, but puts Willie's VISA card over the limit purchasing "Terry Faith Cosmetics" to sell at a house party.
Season 1, Episode 6: For Your Eyes Only
Original Air Date3 November 1986
Alf becomes the friend of a lonely blind woman.
Season 1, Episode 7: Help Me, Rhonda
Original Air Date10 November 1986
Brian's 7th birthday is approaching and it gets ALF depressed, because he realizes he's never going to see his friends on Melmac again - he was finally going to get together with his true love Rhonda and then the planet exploded. In sleep, ALF dreams about his 228th birthday on Melmac, just before the explosion. In order to cheer ALF up, Brian and Willie start broadcasting into space, in hopes of finding another survivor from Melmac.
Season 1, Episode 8: Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue?
Original Air Date17 November 1986
Lynn is excited because "Scott" wants to keep all his band equipment in the Tanner's garage. Willie is not so excited. Lynn is interested in Scott and begs for Willie to allow Scott to keep the equipment in their garage for just two days. Willie gives her his permission. ALF is not happy - he was supposed to be re-decorating his room with Lynn. And he also has a crush on Lynn, so he proceeds to sabotage Scott's time with Lynn while trying to come up with something to impress her.
Season 1, Episode 9: Jump
Original Air Date24 November 1986
It's Willie's birthday. ALF gives him a box he found in the basement. It's full of photos from high school and college. There's also a menu, on the back of which Kate and Willie both made lists of things they wanted to achieve in life. Kate actually did the things on her list, but Willie did not. This starts to haunt him so badly that he decides to do the list.
Season 1, Episode 10: Baby, You Can Drive My Car
Original Air Date1 December 1986
Lynn is going to a concert with her friend and is waiting to get the car for the evening... but Willie and Kate are late and the girls are in danger of being late for the concert. Then Willie and Kate arrive... with the help a tow truck. The tow truck man estimates that the repairs will cost way over 3,000 dollars - not good. Lynn is upset and wishes for another car. ALF asks why Willie doesn't buy Lynn a car and Willie has to explain that they can't afford it - especially since a lot of money went into repairing the garage roof because ALF crash-landed on it. Lynn wants to start saving money by getting a job, but her parents aren't sure she can balance school and work. And she can't. Cue ALF to the rescue... or should we say a disaster?
Season 1, Episode 11: On the Road Again
Original Air Date8 December 1986
Willie suggests that they go to San Diego on holiday. Kate is all for it, but there's a slight problem: what to do with ALF? Since leaving ALF alone is a recipe for disaster, the family takes him along for the road trip. However, the weather turns stormy, ALF gets bored of sitting in the RV and starts complaining. Willie goes mental and shows ALF the door. Defiantly, ALF wanders off.
Season 1, Episode 12: Oh, Tannerbaum
Original Air Date22 December 1986
It's Christmastime. Unfortunately ALF chops the Christmas tree into firewood before anyone notices. The Tanners then have two tasks: to teach ALF all about Christmas and find a new Christmas tree.
Season 1, Episode 13: Mother and Child Reunion
Original Air Date12 January 1987
Kate's mother, who is not on warm terms with Willie, arrives for a surprise visit that forces the Tanners to lock ALF in the garage for "a few days". The problem is that ALF just can't stand being not allowed to roam around in the house, with all the luxuries found there. So he just has to do something.
Season 1, Episode 14: A Little Bit of Soap
Original Air Date19 January 1987
ALF and Kate's mom are arguing about TV. Kate's mom thinks ALF's favorite soap opera, Midwest General, is sleaze, and shows him her favorite, One World to Hope For, which ALF thinks is boring. Angered, ALF argues that he could write a better script for the series than the writers are coming up with. So ALF actually writes a script and sends it in. The production company actually films ALF's script that bears not-so-subtle similarities to the situation at the Tanners' house...
Season 1, Episode 15: I've Got a New Attitude
Original Air Date2 February 1987
Willie catches ALF from eating a box of chocolate that was to be a Valentine's Day present for Kate. This incites Willie to give ALF a lecture on how ALF does not respect private property and needs to adopt a new attitude. Also, Kate's mom is moving out of the Tanners' house. The problem is that her new neighbor, Whizzer, wants to come help Dorothy move her stuff. Which means ALF has to hide from him. Kate likes Whizzer and suggests that they invite him over for a dinner. Dorothy doesn't want that. ALF interjects by claiming to have spoken to Dorothy's dead husband Sparky's spirit, who wants Dorothy to move on. Apparently, all Melmacians have the ability to speak to the dead. Dorothy wants ALF to prove his ability and let her speak to Sparky through ALF...
Season 1, Episode 16: Try to Remember: Part 1
Original Air Date9 February 1987
ALF bumps his head and loses his memory. All he knows is that his name is Wayne Schlagel and that he's an insurance agent. The Tanners try to make ALF remember who he really is - cue clips from earlier episodes.
Season 1, Episode 17: Try to Remember: Part 2
Original Air Date9 February 1987
ALF still believes that his name is Wayne Schlagel and that he's an insurance agent. Worse still, he has called the police to the Tanners. The Tanners have only a short while before the police arrive, so they try to make ALF remember who he really is by telling more stories from the past - cue more clips from earlier episodes.
Season 1, Episode 18: Border Song
Original Air Date16 February 1987
ALF is now into gardening, which means he's turned over the entire Tanner's backyard. Willie has a problem at work: a lost Mexican boy is at his office and Willie is trying to track down his father. When that fails, and Willie's boss couldn't care less about helping the boy, Willie has no option but to bring the boy home.
Season 1, Episode 19: Wild Thing
Original Air Date2 March 1987
ALF starts to go through a phase where his erratic behavior and hunger for cats will, in his own words, make him "ALF to the tenth power". He wants Willie to build a cage where he can be locked in until the phase is over. Will the cage be strong enough? Can they keep him locked in when he tries to plot himself out?
Season 1, Episode 20: Going Out of My Head Over You
Original Air Date16 March 1987
Brian has to lie to his friend who wants to come for a sleepover that the Tanner's basement is flooded, because ALF must be kept secret. Willie then tries to explain to Brian that lying is always wrong even though Brian has to keep lying because of ALF. Lying to the Ochmonecks is also tiring Willie, not to mention having to put up with ALF's antics. Kate suggests Willie talk to Larry, a therapist they know. Of course, Willie has to prove that ALF exists and is not his hallucination, which means that Larry and ALF meet.
Season 1, Episode 21: Lookin' Through the Windows
Original Air Date23 March 1987
There's a power blackout, so ALF is passing the time by watching the Tanners' neighbors, the Ochmoneks, who are fighting. By dinner time, the power has come back so the Tanners can have dinner. Then comes another, short blackout. Trevor Ochmonek appears at the Tanners' door, seeking peace and quiet from the angry Raquel. Soon after, Raquel comes to demand that Trevor return home. The Tanners persuade him to do so. Night falls and ALF hears the Ochmoneks continue fighting. Suddenly it becomes silent. Too silent for ALF, who's convinced that something foul has happened at the Ochmoneks...
Season 1, Episode 22: It Isn't Easy... Bein' Green
Original Air Date30 March 1987
Lynn has introduced ALF to rap music, much to Willie's dislike. Willie himself is making the final changes to Brian's song in the school pageant where the kids dress as vegetables. Unfortunately, Brian is suffering from stage fright, which causes him to forget the lyrics. ALF offers to help...
Season 1, Episode 23: The Gambler
Original Air Date6 April 1987
The Tanners are preparing for a garage sale to get some money for house payments. ALF discovers the alluring world of horse racing thanks to Kate's mom who bets on them. When the concept of a bookie is explained to ALF, he gets the bright idea of getting the Tanners some money through betting. When his initial bets yield only profit, the plan seems good... at that time.
Season 1, Episode 24: Weird Science
Original Air Date13 April 1987
When the living room TV breaks down, Willie declares that he won't have it fixed, despite ALF's complaints that he has nothing to do but watch TV. ALF keeps pressuring Willie, who discovers that the TV is still under warranty and he can have it sent to the factory for repairs. Except that the factory is in Libya and Willie would have to pay for shipping... ALF thinks Willie has been conned, so he calls Consumer Ed, the guy who fights for consumers' rights on TV... Brian announces that he needs to come up with a project for the Science Carnival. On his own, Brian creates a model of the Solar System. ALF points out that there are inaccuracies and offers to help.
Season 1, Episode 25: La Cuckaracha
Original Air Date4 May 1987
An insect from Melmac has an unexpected reaction when exposed to earthly chemicals.
Season 1, Episode 26: Come Fly with Me
Original Air Date11 May 1987
ALF thinks he's won in a publisher's sweepstakes, but the actual truth is that he subscribed to "hundreds of magazines" (Willie probably exaggerates here)... The next leaflet ALF gets his hands on *does* promise free gifts, but only if the family comes to listen a sales pitch for vacation homes. The Ochmoneks are going there, so Trevor invites the Tanners to come along. Turns out he is a pilot who flew in the Korean war, so they are able to fly instead of a seven-hour drive. The reluctant Willie eventually warms to the idea, but ALF has to stay home. Or is it that he should stay home?
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Working My Way Back to You
Original Air Date21 September 1987
ALF breaks Kate's precious $1,000 painting and gets confined in the garage. ALF can't handle a single night there and makes a bargain with Kate: unless he can behave 7 days in the house, ALF has to move into the garage permanently.
Season 2, Episode 2: Somewhere Over the Rerun
Original Air Date28 September 1987
ALF has taken liking to watching Gilligan's Island. He dresses accordingly and has coconut drinks. He's bored at the Tanners' and takes things one step too far towards Gilligan's Island.
Season 2, Episode 3: Take a Look at Me Now
Original Air Date5 October 1987
In one of those moments, when ALF lets his mind wander, he unintentionally walks into Mrs. Ochmonek's sight and greets her. Cue Mrs. Ochmonek panicking and deciding to warn the neighborhood about the "space creature".
Season 2, Episode 4: Wedding Bell Blues
Original Air Date12 October 1987
Lynn is researching the Tanner Family Tree for a school project. Kate suggests ALF do the the Shumway Family Tree, hoping it will occupy him for some time. However, digging the past may not be a good thing.
Season 2, Episode 5: Prime Time
Original Air Date19 October 1987
The Tanners get the chance to participate in a new TV ratings system. With clever arguments, ALF gets Kate to let him use the system. After learning his favorite programs might get canceled, ALF decides to tweak the numbers a bit.
Season 2, Episode 6: Some Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date26 October 1987
Halloween is approaching and ALF wants to go trick-or-treating. Kate, of course, objects, but ALF persists. He argues that he has a natural costume and tries offering Willie a deal he can't refuse... Lynn presents Lizard to his parents.
Season 2, Episode 7: Oh, Pretty Woman
Original Air Date2 November 1987
ALF learns the concept of Earthly beauty pageant. Since Lynn, having been dumped, is suffering from low self-esteem, ALF enters her in Miss Southland pageant to prove she is pretty and uses the prizes to lure Lynn to participate.
Season 2, Episode 8: Something's Wrong with Me
Original Air Date9 November 1987
Kate's mother has decided to get married in the Tanners' house. Unfortunately, ALF develops a Melmacian Hiccup, that keeps getting louder and louder, threatening to draw everyone's attention within a 100 meters (give or take).
Season 2, Episode 9: Night Train
Original Air Date16 November 1987
ALF reminisces his "adventures" on Melmac. Willie reveals that when he was 17, he hopped on trains and crossed the whole country. ALF gets excited about the idea and talks Willie into taking him to the rail yard.
Season 2, Episode 10: Isn't It Romantic?
Original Air Date23 November 1987
Willie and Kate no longer share activities, because one of them has to always stay at home keeping eye on ALF. ALF concludes that they are about to break up and in order to prevent that, decides to add romance to their life.
Season 2, Episode 11: Hail to the Chief
Original Air Date7 December 1987
ALF is frustrated because he can't vote in the presidential election. He watches a televised debate with Kate and offers his "better" ideas on how to solve the world's problems. This gives Kate some weird nightmares.
Season 2, Episode 12: ALF's Special Christmas: Part 1
Original Air Date14 December 1987
The Tanners decide to spend Christmas in a cabin in the woods when Alf suddenly gets lost.
Season 2, Episode 13: ALF's Special Christmas: Part 2
Original Air Date14 December 1987
Alf is still in the hospital with Tiffany and Mr. Fowley. Alf convinces Tiffany to help him get back to the Tanners, but changes his mind, when he hears about Tiffanie's condition.
Season 2, Episode 14: The Boy Next Door
Original Air Date4 January 1988
Mr. Ochmonek's nephew Jake comes to live with the Ochmoneks. The Ochmoneks tell the Tanners that Jake is a problem kid and ask their advice on how to deal with him. ALF can't resist investigating Jake's persona.
Season 2, Episode 15: Can I Get a Witness?
Original Air Date11 January 1988
When a football shatters the Ochmonek's picture window, Gordon (A.L.F.) gets the blame and he demands his day in "Tanner Family Court".
Season 2, Episode 16: We're So Sorry, Uncle Albert
Original Air Date25 January 1988
A visit from Willie's Uncle Albert surprises the Tanners and causes Gordon (A.L.F.) great distress.
Season 2, Episode 17: Someone to Watch Over Me: Part 1
Original Air Date8 February 1988
A series of robberies in the neighborhood prompts Gordon (A.L.F.) to want to help with Neighborhood Watch, when Willie is voted block captain.
Season 2, Episode 18: Someone to Watch Over Me: Part 2
Original Air Date15 February 1988
Neighborhood Watch volunteers quit as the robberies continue. Gordon (A.L.F.) decides to take direct action, causing chaos at the Ochmoneks'.
Season 2, Episode 19: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
Original Air Date22 February 1988
Jody looses her apartment when the building becomes a condominium, so Gordon (A.L.F.) tries to help her "adust" to a new home.
Season 2, Episode 20: You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog
Original Air Date29 February 1988
A stray dog makes Gordon (A.L.F.) jealous, so he gives her to the first (and obviously wrong) person who responds to a "found dog" poster.
Season 2, Episode 21: Hit Me with Your Best Shot
Original Air Date7 March 1988
It's the Tanners who learn a lesson while trying to passively resist a belligerent father and son.
Season 2, Episode 22: Movin' Out
Original Air Date14 March 1988
The Tanners may need to sell their house because Willie has been promoted to a supervisory position in San Deigo.
Season 2, Episode 23: I'm Your Puppet
Original Air Date21 March 1988
Gordon (A.L.F.) tries ventriloquism. The attitude of his new "friend", Paul the dummy, turns contentious - then things get weird.
Season 2, Episode 24: Tequila
Original Air Date28 March 1988
Gordon (A.L.F.) assists Kate's alcoholic friend to the realization that she needs help.
Season 2, Episode 25: We Are Family
Original Air Date2 May 1988
A dejected Gordon (A.L.F.) wants to expose his existence to the world. Willie has an idea to help him through the crisis.
Season 2, Episode 26: Varsity Drag
Original Air Date9 May 1988
Gordon (A.L.F.) discovers that he is responsible for Lynn not being able to attend Amherst College, and makes another attempt to find employment.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Stop in the Name of Love
Original Air Date3 October 1988
Lynn breaks up with her boyfriend and becomes depressed. ALF gets a self-help book of love for her and asks her to confide in him. When Lynn reveals she likes a guy, ALF decides to help her get his attention literally by the book. Uh-oh.
Season 3, Episode 2: Stairway to Heaven
Original Air Date10 October 1988
With the help of his guardian angle, ALF finds out what life would be like for the Tanners if they had never met him.
Season 3, Episode 3: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Original Air Date17 October 1988
Jake pops by because Raquel and Trevor are fighting. This time she throws him out. Kate offers to let him stay in their house. Trevor soon becomes a nuisance, so ALF decides to solve the problem.
Season 3, Episode 4: Tonight, Tonight: Part 1
Original Air Date24 October 1988
"And heeeere's Alfie!" ALF hosts the Tonight Show instead of Johnny Carson. Is it a dream? Is it an "What if...?" story?
Season 3, Episode 5: Tonight, Tonight: Part 2
Original Air Date24 October 1988
Season 3, Episode 6: Promises, Promises
Original Air Date31 October 1988
Lynn has barely turned 18 and he's already moved on from young douches to... a man of Willie's generation. Lynn is forbidden from seeing this Eddie again. Will she obey her parents?
Season 3, Episode 7: Turkey in the Straw: Part 1
Original Air Date14 November 1988
ALF already ate the Thanksgiving turkey - raw. Willie fails to find a new one, so Raquel invites the Tanners over. A storm arrives as does the neighborhood bum ("a homeless person"), since ALF has been leaving food and clothes for him.
Season 3, Episode 8: Turkey in the Straw: Part 2
Original Air Date15 November 1988
Pete has called the Alien Task Force. He has been told to keep ALF occupied until Sergeant Fox and his men arrive to capture him. Dead or alive. Will Pete sell ALF out after he's talked with him for a while? Will he?
Season 3, Episode 9: Changes
Original Air Date21 November 1988
The social workers, which includes Willie, go on a strike that may last a while. Kate decides to take a job in order to bring money into the house. ALF is concerned about the repercussions. Well, about those that will affect him.
Season 3, Episode 10: My Back Pages
Original Air Date28 November 1988
When Kate and Willie stop ALF's rummage in the attic, they find Willie's movie of Woodstock and want to watch it. When Willie tells ALF what he was like in college, ALF points out that Willie has turned from an idealist to a sell-out.
Season 3, Episode 11: Alone Again, Naturally
Original Air Date5 December 1988
ALF reads a tabloid article about a couple in Barstow who live with a space alien, who sounds to ALF like his cousin Blinky. ALF persuades Willie to drive him there and to go investigate the couple. *Big* trouble ensues.
Season 3, Episode 12: Do You Believe in Magic?
Original Air Date12 December 1988
ALF gets interested in magic tricks, so Willie gives his old magic trick set to him. When ALF discovers he is no good at magic tricks even though he has the desire, he naturally concludes that he needs proper magician's tools.
Season 3, Episode 13: Hide Away
Original Air Date9 January 1989
ALF has ordered a non-refundable satellite dish. Willie carpools with a talkative guy Jim, who manipulates Willie into inviting him for dinner. There's more to Jim than meets the eye.
Season 3, Episode 14: Fight Back
Original Air Date16 January 1989
Willie realizes his car repairman is scamming him and decides to do something about it. While Willie refuses to admit that The System Has Failed, ALF and Jake set out on their own to acquire some hard evidence against the conman.
Season 3, Episode 15: Suspicious Minds
Original Air Date23 January 1989
ALF has started to believe in one of the biggest urban legends - that Elvis is alive. When Raquel describes their new neighbor, ALF is convinced the man is Elvis. Since nobody believes ALF, he decides to venture into the man's house.
Season 3, Episode 16: Baby Love
Original Air Date6 February 1989
Now that Kate is pregnant and the focus is on her unborn child, ALF feels neglected. Raquel throws a surprise baby shower, to which Andrea from the neighborhood brings her baby. ALF, meet baby. Baby, meet ALF.
Original Air Date13 February 1989
An anonymous caller demands $3,000 from ALF - otherwise he will turn ALF to the authorities. On the second call, the extortionist adds that the Tanners will go to jail for harboring an alien. ALF decides to take action.
Season 3, Episode 18: Standing in the Shadows of Love
Original Air Date20 February 1989
Jake has a *huge* crush on a girl called Laura, but freezes every time he tries to approach or contact her. ALF offers to write a letter in Jake's name to Laura. Poor Jake still hasn't learned *not* to enlist ALF to help.
Season 3, Episode 19: Superstition
Original Air Date27 February 1989
ALF accidentally burns Brian's History book in the oven. He then insists that he's now under a Melmacian curse: 14 years of increasing bad luck. First, the food on the electric stove bursts into flames. Then other things start to happen.
Season 3, Episode 20: Torn Between Two Lovers
Original Air Date6 March 1989
Season 3, Episode 21: Funeral for a Friend
Original Air Date20 March 1989
ALF wants a pet, so Willie decides to buy him an ant farm. ALF doesn't appreciate his new pets at first, but it will change.
Season 3, Episode 22: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
Original Air Date27 March 1989
The start date of Brian's first overnight boy scout camp is almost at hand. But he is afraid of the dark. While Willie reminisces about his own boy scout days, ALF decides to help Brian.
Season 3, Episode 23: Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?
Original Air Date10 April 1989
Jake stops by to tell that her mother has come to the Ochmoneks. She comes to thank the Tanners and Racquel invites her to dinner at the Tanners. Jake, however, starts acting weirdly, and ALF decides to find out why.
Season 3, Episode 24: Like an Old Time Movie
Original Air Date17 April 1989
The Tanners are going to a wedding and ALF is left home alone, Willie having rented him silent movies. ALF gets inspired to write his own silent movie. In which he also stars. He then imagines what it would be like.
Season 3, Episode 25: Shake, Rattle and Roll
Original Air Date1 May 1989
ALF experiences his first earthquake (there were no melmacquakes). When he is told that quakes can be a lot bigger, ALF starts to live in fear of the coming of a big one, even though Willie assures him they are prepared.
Season 3, Episode 26: Having My Baby
Original Air Date8 May 1989
ALF is preparing himself for the coming of Kate's baby because, in his opinion, Willie isn't prepared enough. Can ALF be persuaded to accept that Dick Van Dyke show is not an educational program that should be followed as an example?
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Baby, Come Back
Original Air Date18 September 1989
When Kate has to unexpectedly go in to work, she has no choice but to leave ALF in charge of the baby. While babysitting, ALF faces a huge dilemma when he goes outside and finds the baby missing.
Season 4, Episode 2: Lies
Original Air Date25 September 1989
After ALF invites a tabloid crew over to the Tanner household for an interview, they take a few photos before Willie asks them to leave. However, when it is learned that ALF might be in one of those photos, Willie must stall the crew so that ALF and Brian can go into their van and destroy the film.
Season 4, Episode 3: Wanted: Dead or Alive
Original Air Date2 October 1989
After ALF watches "Crimestoppers" and sees a guy resembling Willie who is wanted for polygamy, he tries to hide Willie. When the FBI takes Willie in for question following an anonymous tip, everyone assumes that ALF called it in.
Season 4, Episode 4: We're in the Money
Original Air Date9 October 1989
Season 4, Episode 5: Mind Games
Original Air Date16 October 1989
With ALF feeling bored and useless, Larry advises the Tanners to ask for his opinion on their problems and make him feel more important. However, this plan backfires when ALF decides that he wants to become a shrink and starts to analyze everything they say and do.
Season 4, Episode 6: Hooked on a Feeling
Original Air Date23 October 1989
When ALF develops an addiction to eating cotton balls, Willie and Kate decide to invite a support group over to the house and have Willie convey ALF's feelings to the group.
Season 4, Episode 7: He Ain't Heavy, He's Willie's Brother
Original Air Date30 October 1989
ALF gets upset when Willie's emotionally depressed kid brother spends lots of time at the house, leaving him to take quarters in the garage.
Season 4, Episode 8: The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
Original Air Date6 November 1989
With ALF upset over Willie's brother frequently coming to the house, Willie decides that the best thing to do is finally introduce his brother to ALF.
Season 4, Episode 9: Live and Let Die
Original Air Date13 November 1989
When the Tanners' cat Lucky dies, ALF decides to answer a giveaway ad in the paper for kittens so that he can eat them, only to find out that he likes having them as pets.
Season 4, Episode 10: Break Up to Make Up
Original Air Date20 November 1989
ALF gets upset when his anniversary party is interrupted by Kate's mother who flies in after a fight with her husband.
Season 4, Episode 11: Happy Together
Original Air Date27 November 1989
Following a fight with Willie, ALF decides to move in with Neal. It doesn't take long for him to wear out his welcome.
Season 4, Episode 12: Fever
Original Air Date4 December 1989
When ALF gets really sick, Willie and Kate consider taking him to a doctor.
Season 4, Episode 13: It's My Party
Original Air Date11 December 1989
Season 4, Episode 14: Make 'em Laugh
Original Air Date8 January 1990
Season 4, Episode 15: Love on the Rocks
Original Air Date15 January 1990
When Neal decides to drive to Las Vegas and remarry his ex-wife, ALF sneaks into the back of their car in a effort to try and talk Neal out of it.
Season 4, Episode 16: True Colors
Original Air Date22 January 1990
ALF develops an interest in art after one of Lynn's professors compliments one of his paintings.
Season 4, Episode 17: Gimme That Old Time Religion
Original Air Date29 January 1990
In order to become a minister, ALF must preside over a ceremony. So he suggests that Willie and Kate renew their vows on the 22nd anniversary.
Season 4, Episode 18: Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades
Original Air Date5 February 1990
Realizing that he will outlive the Tanners, ALF dreams about what life will be like when everyone gets old.
Season 4, Episode 19: When I'm 64
Original Air Date12 February 1990
With Willie and Kate going out for the night, ALF sneaks into a retirement home in the hopes of meeting a once-famous actress, whose glory days are far behind her.
Season 4, Episode 20: Mr. Sandman
Original Air Date19 February 1990
When Willie finds a map from one of his dead relatives, he and ALF trek to Death Valley to try and find a possible treasure. Things don't go as planned when ALF drinks all the water beforehand and then gets too hot from the sun.
Season 4, Episode 21: Stayin' Alive
Original Air Date26 February 1990
When ALF finds out that a local corporation is using CFCs that pollute the environment, he writes several letters of protest, all under fake names. When the corporation threatens with legal action, Willie goes over to meet with them only to have them try to buy his silence by offering him a high-paying job.
Season 4, Episode 22: Hungry Like the Wolf
Original Air Date3 March 1990
Fearing that he might "internally blow up" due to his high calorie consumption, ALF decides to cut meat from his diet. However after a few days, ALF turns into a "wolf" and steals the Tanner's car in an effort to hunt for food.
Season 4, Episode 23: I Gotta Be Me
Original Air Date10 March 1990
Lynn and Kate have a disagreement after Lynn floats around the idea of moving in with her boyfriend.
Season 4, Episode 24: Consider Me Gone
Original Air Date24 March 1990
When ALF picks up a signal on the Tanner's radio, he realizes that it is someone trying to get in touch with him through Melmacian code. He cracks the codes and finds that it's two of his friends who want to pick him and take him to their new planet. He agrees to meet them unaware that the Alien Task Force is onto them.